iPad Wood Case for Apple Fanboys Is an Amazing Gift

iPad is one of the most over rated gadgets to be announced in the recent months. Most people have been disappointed over the publicity given to the gadget and it turns out that the gadget neither performs nor has everything that was expected from it.

iPad however is photogenic, just like the iPod or the iPhone, and thus there are several accessories available for it even before the gadget has been made commercially available. It comes with an eco-friendly accessory by Vers, which is a bamboo and hardwood sourced wooden case. It even comes with an optional kickstand and costs $80, which is a great thing to9 purchase if you are planning to buy the iPad.

The wooden case certainly accentuates the beauty of iPad, but that does not mean the iPad itself is a great gadget. You could choose to spend $80 and get this and if you do not buy the iPad, you could use it as a great wooden frame for some poster or a card. It would make for a great gift too, and I am sure this simple and minimalist Vers Wood Case would woo a lot of people.

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