First Pair of Nike’s Air Mag Sneakers bought by Tinie Tempah for $37,500

Nike’s limited edition Air Mag sneakers inspired by McFly are an unqualified success with enthusiastic support from sneaker aficionados who do not care about the cost or the price. They like the new model so they must own it whatever the cost. The Air Mag sneakers are performing extremely well on eBay and are fetching record prices. TMZ reports that British rap act Tinie Tempah spent an incredible, or should we say cool $37,500 for the first pair of the new model that was up for grabs.

He had more than one reason to throw that kind of money for a pair of sneakers. Tempah is known to be a Back to The Future nut along with being a sneaker geek. Nike has announced that all proceeds from the sales of the sneakers will benefit the Back to The Future star’s Michael J. Fox Foundation. Tempah went overboard because it served a dual purpose of satisfying his shoe lust and helping a good cause that he supports.

Mr Tempah received the first pair of the new sneakers in a nifty plutonium carrying case. Air Mag sneakers are still seeing a lot of action on eBay. Currently the cheapest of them all is a size & that is going for $4,000. In the popular size 12 the prices prevailing are $8,100. The prices are bound to go further up as we come close to the action. Nike is listing 150 pairs a day for 9 more days, so you still have a few chances to buy the kicks of your dreams. It is not only nice but an exciting way of helping a good cause.

Via: m.techcrunch

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