eBay Now Offering An Entire Town For Sale. Go Get Yours!

Owning of private islands and similar properties is one of the biggest hobbies of those with lots of money to spare. Whether its vintage or modern power house on wheels or some of the sleekest and luxurious private jets, the insatiable quest for exclusivity is something that, filters the common man from the insanely rich.

Now, one of the biggest online auction services, eBay has been given a new addition that is surely to entice the best of the best billionaires. A small town called, Wauconda in Washington, has apparently been put up for auction on eBay. This little town if and when bought by some ultra-rich person, will come will its very own post office, restaurant, gas station and four-acre owner’s ranch. The auction of Wauconda has been instigated by Daphne Fletcher, who had in the year 2008, had tried to sell the town for a mere $1.1 million. So far, the bidding at eBay for the town of Wauconda has reached $370,000 with the offer excluding the provision of the town’s community hall and the local school.

The auction for the town is slated to end on April 2nd, 2010 and if and when someone does buy the town, it would turn out to be one of the smartest investments.

Via Web User

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