Designer Alp Sagnak Makes A Bracelet Made Of Bones!

I never thought that I would see jewellery made of bones in this day and age. I mean they were all the rage in the prehistoric period when our ancestors hadn’t really figured out how to work with the metals that are all the rage now. But designer Alp Sagnak wishes to go back to the past and as a result has created the Bone Bracelet.

Now I think it is a little creepy to be wearing things made of bones, but then again, there are some people who might actually find the idea pretty attractive. Plus it can definitely be a conversation starter. This bracelet is actually an oversized cuff that uses opossum bones and is covered with oxidized silver along with 24 carat gold, rubies and diamonds. Designers these days really like to experiment with different materials.

There are some bracelets that are even made of computer components! I guess the stranger the better is the keyword these days.But even though the idea of a bracelet made of bone is surely going to attract attention, I am not sure I like the look of it. But I guess some people might be able to carry it off with something plain.

Via: Wmagazine

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