Can’t Visit Prague? Send Your Teddy Bear Instead!

If you are tired of taking trips all around the world and if you are tired of searching for that perfect Shangri-la, trust me you can find that peace in your own bedroom. All you would need is to gobble a few sleeping tablets and go to bed, and enter the world of dreams where there are no rules whatsoever.

If you plan to do this, you could send your toy on a trip instead, while you travel in your dreams. Toy Travel agency, in Prague allows your toy to be mailed to them, and they take pictures of your toy all around Prague and send it back to you. What a nice idea, isn’t it? Well, not quite if you asked me. If these guys thought anyone would just pay money on an innovative idea, there should be some substance too.

The idea of sending my teddy bear to Prague while I am lying almost dead in my bed is not my idea of luxury. If the travel agencies had to make money, they had better come up with innovative but also worthwhile ideas that are not as ridiculous as sending your teddy bear to Prague. What could a lifeless doll know about the ancient city of Prague?

Via: Reuters

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