Buben & Zörweg Unveil the Phantom Watch Winder

Buben&Zörweg, the German designers have recognized the need for luxurious watch winders. The Phantom Watch Winder actually behaves like a display and can hold about eight wrist watches. The case comes either sculpted, brushed aluminium, or carbon streamlined and would depend on what you want. The cube also comes with a “Push and Slide” mechanism which is also assisted by the Time Mover Technology.

If you have a number of watches room brands like Gucci, Prada and others, you would certainly need this unique display and storage to keep your watches safe, protected and wound. The key selling point of the Phantom Watch Winder is the LCS which controls its behaviour with the help of the user. The product will cost between $3,500 and $5,700.

I would say it is a great buy! If only the Watch Winder had more space, people could have actually used them to store and wind more watches which are usually priceless in nature, especially if we are talking about companies like Prada and Armani.

Via: Gentleman’s Gadgets

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