British Royal Mint Releases Royal Engagement Coins With Unflattering Images of the Royal Couple

The commemorative coin released ahead of the royal wedding of Prince William and Catherine is a big letdown. The portrait on the 5 Pound coin bears little resemblance to the royal couple. Catherine looks matronly with a round face and bags under her eyes while Prince William’s profile looks a bit jowly and sports a hint of a pompadour. Some say that William on the coin looks like Al Gore.

It is known that it is not the easiest of things to reproduce a portrait on a coin as it is not a print. But it is not a commemoration of 50 years of reign of an old monarch but the impending marriage of a young royal couple and one expected that the best craftsmanship and technology will be mobilized to create a pleasant and appealing reproduction. However the design was approved by both Prince William and Queen Elizabeth.

Britain’s Royal mint confirmed that the coin is available in both silver and gold. You can buy the coin from their official website for 9.99 Pounds. But the fact remains that these coins will be bought because of people’s affection for the heir to the throne and not for its beauty.

Via: royalmint, artdaily,

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