BeWAW: The Newest and Sleekest of Velomobiles

When a velomobile passes by, you gawk, not just look. The super-light automobiles are a treat to watch, and drive if you ever do get the chance.

Known for their eco-friendly quality, they are anywhere a cross between a Formula One car, a two-wheeler and a sheltered three wheeler. WAW Velomobiles have been just that famous too, known for their stylish mobility in personal movement use. BeWAW that is around the corner, by Fietser, is one of those variations of WAW Velomobile, in liaison with the Bries concept that was being developed.

The light-weight vehicle, that you may vaguely call a two wheeler, is propelled by its load, the rider or a combination of human and electric power. A lithium ion battery is hidden away under its seat. This version has most great features that WAW had: the separable nose and tail, the narrow wind profile, agile steering and sexy shape.

bewaw2bewaw3bewawIt also has a carbon top with some ad space. A detachable carbon fiber and polycarbonate canopy protects the rider from harsh weather. Another attraction about BeWAW is that it has a much reduced weight, of less than 30 kilos, which its makers say, can be brought down to about 24 kilograms, with finer components.

Via: Fietser, Picasaweb,

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