An Installable Porcelain Room for a whopping $750,000

Want to add a dash of elegance and style to your new room? Well, head off to Moscow then where Russian artist Victoria Smirnova has designed a Porcelain Room. The room can be shipped worldwide and this makes the room truly exceptional and unique. Yes, you have heard it right. The Porcelain kit can be directly installed into your rooms.

The room will enliven your homes with its perfect and compelling mix of sophistication and classiness. The alluring effect can be intensified further by painting the walls in striking colors like green, purple, black or yellow. The specification of the room goes like this: 8.5 inches in width and 49.2 inches in breadth.

The ceramics adorn every inch of the room along its ceiling. Obviously you might have figured by now that the room wouldn’t come cheap. It will cost you a whopping $750,000. So if you can afford this enormously beautiful piece of work go for it without a second thought.

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