Valentino has been coming out with bags, mostly in leather, that have the class and exclusive look written all over it. They have a flair that turns a simple bag into a stunning and elegant accessory that enhances your personality. Their most recent creation is a black leather bag that has been accessorized with leather rosettes on the front. You are sure to love the flowers and the way they have beautified the bag. It gives the bag a feminine personality.
The back of the bag is plain black leather that gives it a rich, sophisticated look. The bag comes with an adjustable shoulder strap, side tassels, the designer logo in gold at back, and a press-stud closure. The side tassels give it a youthful image and feel. The shoulder strap is adjustable and hence makes it very convenient to carry the bag around, which can become heavy because of the amount of stuff that can be put in it.
The dimensions of the bag make it very useful and appropriate for many occasions. It is 15 inch wide, 16 inch high and 5 inch deep bag with a 15 inch handle drop. The price at $2,695 does seem to be a bit on the higher side but when you see the bag you will realize that it is worth it.
Via: Net-a-Porter