170 Year Old Champagne bottles Fetch $73,000

Every other time we come across a musty bottle of wine that passes off for the ‘oldest bottle of wine’ in the world. This time around, a little birdie told us about two of the world’s oldest bottles of Champagne, which were found at the bottom of the ocean, and spent almost 170 years in the murky depths of the water. They were sold in Finland at an auction for about $73,000 and that is quite a lot of money for wines that are past date.

A Vintage Veuve also fetched 30,000 Euros according to the New York-based wine specialist Acker Merrall & Condit. Richard Juhlin, an authority on champagne was surprised that the bidding didn’t go higher than $73,000 which I am too. If you are talking about the world’s oldest bottle of champagne, we really should be talking about six figure amounts, and not just $73,000. A Singapore-based internet bidder gave 24,000 Euros for a Juglar.

Mariehamn, capital of Aaland, a Finnish-controlled archipelago of 6,500 islands in the Baltic Sea, is known for its natural beauty and how things are always green and cold there. This was the site where the bottles were auctioned and this probably was also the reason why people didn’t spend a lot of money. If the auction were held in London or Paris, the bottles would have fetched a lot more than just this. You might also want to read about vintage beer, fresh wine and other stuff. If you disagree with me, then you have a serious cognitive problem that needs attention.

Via: News

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