American Surrogate Mothers Cater to Chinese Demands for Designer Babies

American luxury industry is focused on the Chinese market and it has come up with a new product and service that is sure to gain growing acceptance. American surrogate mothers are becoming the preferred mode of delivering babies for the Chinese elite. The service comes at a cost, $120,000 to be precise. An increasing number of wealthy Chinese have been engaging American women to serve as surrogates. The Chinese laws on surrogacy are vague. Though it is prohibited explicitly in China it doesn’t say anything on overseas surrogacy. Though a black market exists in China the affluent couples prefer the openness and professionalism of the U.S. surrogacy industry.

The Child Born in America Acquires US Citizenship Automatically

The other benefits of this service are also being highlighted by the facilitators. As per American law anyone born in America has a right to citizenship and a citizen’s parents also become eligible for green card after certain time period. It is this benefit that is leading some fertile couples also to opt for surrogacy in America. A new trend of birth tourism has started as some Chinese women are traveling to US for delivering their child to gain instant US citizenship for their new born babies. Under normal circumstances applicants for EB-5 visa to US are required to bring in an investment of a minimum of $500,000 for creating a job creating business.

Promotion for American Surrogate Mothers

Shanghai Based Agencies Offer All Inclusive Packages for $300,000

The story carried by Reuters on the matter quotes a Shanghai based agency that is marketing this service and selling the American dream to lure clients. They are offering a package for $300,000 that includes plane tickets also and promises two children and the possibility of the entire family immigrating to the US. There are some who are not really interested in moving to the US but want to create ‘Designer Babies’. And for them there is a celebrity sperm donor service that guarantees a star surrogate daddy. Some clients specify that they want ethnically Chinese or Asian egg donors with Ivy League degrees. It is a common belief amongst the Chinese that these taller and biracial children turn out to be smarter and better looking. The trend is poised to grow into another branch of luxury industry driven by the demand from affluent Chinese.

Via: theweek

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