Vintage Cup Candles Bring Back Memories of the 1940s

When we talk about the 1940s or the 1930s, we can instantly imagine candle lit rooms where decadent people drank tea and occasionally absinthe in their cups. It was the time when the World War II was at its full swing and people usually spent loads of time drinking tea, since they could not go out anyway. London apparently used more tea than ever during the World War, for people just could not stand the incessant German bombings.

If you would like to look at the World Wars humorously, you could go and get these beautiful vintage cup and saucer candles that also come lined in a golden tinge. The candle maker certainly does not imply that these candles are related to Wars but it is just my opinion.

They are nevertheless beautiful and deserve more attention. You could purchase these candles for $12 and the cups are poured in soy. It even comes with a nice tropical scent that would linger in the room even long after the candle has been burned. Go ahead and get this candle, and see how vintage your room turns in an instant.

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