Boskke Sets New Architectural trends in New Zealand

Patrick Morris has designed upside down sky planters which need to be watered maximum twice a month. The plants in pots offer no mess of leakage or evaporation. The roots of sky planter receive directly the water reflects environmental ethic which has won RedDot Design award in 2011. Boskke is opened by Morris brothers in New Zealand where they have their ceramic roots and what not!

The trend of urban living with shrinkage in space, sky planter provides more relevant alternative, creating the awareness of less natural resources. Making little changes you derive big benefits like plenty of greenery of indoor hanging garden at your living and work place without loss of floor space. Innovative design, defying gravity, sky planter conserve water resources without drainage and evaporation as it grows indoors.

It plays a role of air purifying agent by absorbing carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen which increases wellness of inmates. In work place it increases people’s concentration, alertness alleviating tension. In the workplace, plants increase alertness, productivity and alleviate tension. Boskke Sky Planter gradually will transform you into a lover of nature.

You can grow kitchen herbs in the kitchen.  Grown plants pose no problems in assembling which can be removed effortlessly and reinserted into the pot and turn upside down and confirm if it is firmly fixed to the ceiling hook. You will get sky planters in three sizes, with price range, either in white or black. The recycled, high quality stoneware ceramic will be available at Boskke. Orders are accepted.

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