Stuart Hughes Presents The World’s Most Luxurious & Expensive Yacht With 100,000 kg of Gold

Luxury is like hunger, though appeased for a small amount of time, yet it resurges with a renewed vigor and of course, if you have millions of dollars to spend on luxurious style and comfort, then you are in for the treat of a lifetime. The man behind some of the most sparkling mobile devices, Liverpool, UK based Stuart Hughes, has now comes out with a sensational new creation in the form of the all new History Supreme (Baia 100 Supreme), which is being hailed as the world’s most luxurious and expensive yacht.  Designed by Mr. Hughes himself, the History Supreme epitomizes luxury, comfort and bling and makes one wonder as to the apparent limitless appeal of luxury. The History Supreme has been designed and developed for a Malaysian businessman.

The luxury yacht History Supreme (Baia 100 Supreme) measures some 100 feet length and believe it or not, this most luxurious yacht in the world carries 100,000 kilograms of solid gold and platinum, while taking almost three years to comes from the drawing board to reality. Mr. Hughes made use of precious metals to carve the yacht’s various areas such as the dining area, deck and anchor etc. To ensure that the owner of History Supreme gets nothing but the best of luxury for his money, the yacht features solid gold at the base of the vessel, while the walls of this magnificent yacht is made from meteoric stone.

Furthermore, the walls of the yacht carry a significant pre-historic aura with the use of genuine dinosaur bone that has been taken from a T-Rex. This one of a kind and mind blowing luxury yacht took $4.84 billion for the entire designing and development phase.

Update (5/8/11): As per Italy based yacht manufacturer, Baia Yachts, the ones behind the magnificent History Supreme (Baia 100 Supreme), this luxury yacht customized by Stuart Hughes has now been deemed a fake. The Italian company as of now isn’t claiming any legal action against Mr. Hughes, however, has stated in the strongest terms that such yacht with ‘100,000 kg of gold’ does not exist.

Via Stuart Hughes

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