At the high end of the market hype is all you require for marketing. You have to go beyond fulfilling a need because there are so many other alternatives in the market that are much simpler and cheaper and yet effectively fulfill a need. The hype becomes necessary to justify the pricing strategy that is adopted for such high end creations. With the kind of margins the pricing provides that you don’t need to get into a volumes game and the return on investment is above par even if you manage to sell few pieces.
Donkey stroller by Bugaboo is a perfect example. At $1,500 a piece it is being positioned as the Rolls Royce of strollers. Instead of focusing on the benefits and advantages of the stroller, the marketing strategy is to turn it into a status symbol. An average mom is expressing her concern on the internet about the superfluous nature of the product and the marketing effort behind it to promote it as the ultimate must have for an American family. Following the standard luxury marketing route she-she launch parties are being rolled out throughout the country.
The stroller is officially being released today. Even if you are not affected with the hype, you will still find the stroller rather sweet.It’s a regular, upright stroller that expands into a double stroller on the fly. Pulling the handle bar creates additional area for a seat or storage. More than the stroller it is the video they have created as a part of the campaign that is brilliant. The entire media has been bowled over by the video and it has created a buzz that cannot be created by buying space or time on the media. Whether you like it or not, the Donkey stroller by Bugaboo is turning into a success story.
Check the video here: