Truck Driving Gets Super Comfy, Courtesy Bose

What do you expect when a firm making super expensive audio products veers suddenly towards making an assorted truck seat? Maximum quality of course! Bose, that rides high on its audio systems, has made public its Ride System, a fancy car seat for truckers that uses suspension technology.

Truck rides need no more to be those terrible nightmares on highway. This system gives the driver a smoother ride by neutralizing road vibrations.
Ride System has a “high-power linear electromagnetic actuator” that forms its crux. Isn’t that straight out of a ski-fi flick?

Sensors and a regenerative amplifier, make the actuator react quickly to road disturbance, minimizing the quiver on the driver. The Ride will be available to truck fleets in March. Pricing details are not out yet.

The thought behind this whole comfort effort has been about optimising profits in the transport industry, by increasing driver contentment. Reportedly, research confirms that whole-body vibration brings down comfort, raises fatigue and stresses out the body and spine. A fatigued body means lesser output, increasing operating costs and bringing down service. Only wish such research had been done years ago, when the thrust began on passenger travel comfort! Imagine the profits this industry could have made!

Bose Ride system can offer fleets many potential benefits, including increased driver satisfaction, improved retention and enhanced recruiting.

Via: Bose

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