$500 million charity headquarters for the Gates Foundation: Bill blings it up indeed!

The first thing people will say when they hear the news, “Does a charity organization need a $500 million headquarters?” You might debate that all night long and question the decision’s sensibility but we believe that its Bill’s money and he has every right to spend it any way he wants… As simple as that. Now with the morality issue out of the way, what is so special about this building that it will cost Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation a whooping $500 million when Russell Investments paid one-third of that for its 42-story building not very far away from the project location.

Add to that the structure to be constructed is just two six-story, boomerang-shaped buildings on 12 acres near the Seattle Center and you can imagine what the interiors of this expensive real estate might look like.

The latest structure that is about to be built will sport a living roof on the parking garage, a million-gallon rainwater storage tank to reduce water use, Gates museum and will try and achieve an LEED Gold Rating just to ensure that it is all green and eco-friendly. So, whether you like the idea or not the headquarters will surely add a new charm to Seattle and if you actually think about it, could help increase both the image and employment opportunities of the city.



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