Summer is fast approaching and you definitely would not want to stay in a hot and humid place would you? You might perhaps have a vacation home in the Alps or in Punta Arenas in South America where it is always freezing. In case you do so, why not get a seductive and stylish fireplace to suit your platinum blonde lifestyle?
Blomus is a German company and they have crated some of the best Fireplaces ever. They have designed and created an exquisite looking fireplace called the Vidro which is made of glass and stainless steel. It costs $969 and can go up to $1,174.
I would say, this is one of the cooler fireplaces I have seen in my life. I would at least buy this for the winter. There is nothing better than banter by the fire. Cold wind, warm fire and lovely company make it the best experience a person can ever have in his or her life.
Via: UberGizmo