Ecoflyer: The Biggest Light Sport Aircraft Ever!

Light Sport Aircrafts (LSA) is pretty popular when it comes to recreational flight trips and that spectacular aerial view of some magical place you chose to visit this summer. With the holiday season just around the corner, many might be going over the Grand Canyon or the islands of Hawaii in one of these. Let me assure you that if that is what you are planning then you will have a spectacular visual delight. But for those who wish to own one of these, we have the best possible option with the biggest LSA ever available at a mere $300,000.

The Ecoflyer two-seat light sport aircraft also serves as a flying motor home. The interiors of this mobile winged home are spacious enough for you to carry your camping trip equipment, your trekking bike and made an entire arrangement for you to have a romantic dinner on a secluded spot. In fact, you never need to step out of the Ecoflyer as the interior space is enough to host a dinner for four. With a cabin of 152 cubic feet and a delightful green engine, this is the perfect choice for a wonderful flight. It is available from anywhere between $100,000-$300,000, depending on the lavishness of the model you chose.

Via: Charlesyarbrough

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